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Expert Injectable Treatments to Improve Facial Balance

SkinCeuticals SkinLab by Nova Plastic Surgery provides a full complement of top cosmetic dermatology treatments to reverse signs of aging in our Ashburn, VA medical spa. Our neurotoxin and dermal filler injectable treatments, expertly performed by our leading aesthetics professionals, work to reduce wrinkles and improve facial balance. We provide a variety of injectable treatments including Botox® Cosmetic, dermal fillers, and skin rejuvenation services. Schedule a consultation with us to discover which of our aesthetic treatments is right for you.

lady getting facial


SkinLab by NOVA Plastic Surgery offers neurotoxin treatments to improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Our clinic provides treatments like Botox®, Dysport®, and Xeomin. These neurotoxin injections temporarily relax the muscles resulting in smoother and younger-looking skin. These safe and effective neurotoxin injectables target areas such as forehead lines and frown lines between the eyebrows. We strive to provide the best treatment for our patients using advanced techniques and products. Connect with us today for more details about neurotoxin treatments and schedule your consultation.

lady getting facial

Dermal Fillers

Our clinic offers a range of dermal fillers to help you achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. We utilize top dermal filler products, such as Juvederm® and Restylane®, to add volume to the skin, smooth wrinkles, reduce fine lines, and enhance natural beauty. Our injectable dermal fillers are designed to stimulate collagen production, resulting in restored volume and improved skin texture. We also provide injectable treatments to enhance the definition and contour of the jawline and neck area. These safe and minimally invasive procedures deliver long-lasting results that can be enjoyed for several months.

Discover Transformative Skincare

Our highly skilled professionals will collaborate with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your skin care needs. Achieve a healthier complexion with our safe and effective injectable treatments, carefully crafted to address your unique skin concerns. With our collective expertise and science-backed treatments, we cater your treatment to your specific skincare needs. Schedule a consultation today and experience the difference of customized skincare.

Get State-of-the-Art Skincare From Our Personalized Skin Experts